

Click above button to copy-paste Fog emoji.



🌫 Fog meaning

🌫️ Fog is generally depicted by a squared white or greyish dispersion of clouds or gases with either a white sky or an invisible background. This emoji is particularly used in representing foggy weather or daze but it is also used to represent something that is not clear. It also signifies misty weather, blur, smog, and smoke. Metaphorically, it symbolizes blurriness and vagueness. It is also meant to refer to smoke. Even though the applications of this particular emoji overlap with that of 🌁 Foggy, they are not the same.

🌫️ Fog has not similar variation but, 🌫 mirror and πŸ’½ Computer Disc emoji have a similer appearance to 🌫️ Fog emoji.

🌫️ Fog emoji is been used to make the πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ Face In Clouds emoji, which is a composite of 😢 Face Without Mouth and 🌫️ Fog using the Zero Width Joiner.

In 2014, 🌫️ Fog got approval as part of Unicode 7.0 and it was added to the very first Emoji version 1.0 in 2015 as a sky & weather emoji under Travel & Places category.

How and when to use 🌫️ Fog emoji?

  • If any pic or message sent to you is too unclear to see, you can respond with a 🌫️ Fog. β€œI am sorry it is too hard for me to understand what you have sent! 🌫️.”
  • It is also used to state the weather conditions: β€œI was having a plan to ride my bike but the conditions are too foggy 🌫️ to ride.
  • You can also use this when something is not 100 percent visible or clear. β€œI need to get my television set repaired because of the blurred visuals and pictures 🌫️.”

Other Names of Fog

The alternative names of 🌫 Fog emoji are Cloud, Fog.

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